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Sport For Peace

Raziuddin Ahmad, Founder/CEO (RSA) has an honor as the “Peace Pioneer” Pakistan at Camp Abu Dhabi 2009, of the world  esteemed organization, Jordanian based NGO the “Generation for Peace” under the Chair by HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein.

Our sports programs execute for social and cultural relations with the world, Capacity Building, Training to Train, Training to the young Volunteers, Sports for All with equal opportunities for both genders, national minorities as well as for persons with different abilities.

Pakistan falls in the category of the under developing countries that has come out from a long war of terrorism and now need to rehab a mind satisfactory peaceful atmosphere. Further people are facing a lot of social & economic problems, poverty, religious conflicts, domestic violence where vulnerability of women is common, environmental abuses among youth like drugs, time wasting Computer Games and multi other unhealthy activities.

RSA welcome to Local Organizations, Companies to impart their best role for the youth (Boys & Girls) enhancing their physical health & skills through sports, advocacy, empowering young leadership to a friendly peaceful society.