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  • Razi Sports Academy (RSA) is advancing to impart its significant role for the progressive development in the all-sport’s related departments i.e. Athlete Development, Coaching, Training, Physical Education, Sports Sciences, Injuries Rehabilitation and Research in Pakistan.
  • Currently Pakistan is facing women in sports at the dearth due to social, cultural and religious obstructions as well as the lack of suitable chances. Deficiency of knowledge, inappropriate training environment and poor facilities are also some other important factors to downswing.
  • To overcome this massive decline, we secure the services of Miss Amna Ahmad, Director Development Girls Sports (RSA) who is very professional and well qualified from the world’s esteemed organization International Olympic Committee (IOC) Switzerland.
  • RSA is launching the Women in Sports Development 2024, a program under her leadership which will open the doors of success for Pakistani female sports community in all respects to improve their skills, playing standard, self-sufficient to reduce Poverty, Sound Health that leads to strong future generation, excelling their capacity building, women empowerment and lot more.
  • RSA welcomes international mentors for sharing their experience to Pakistan. Details TBA in April 2024.

Women in Sports Development 2024

  • This dynamic program is designed with Theory & Practical Modules under highly qualified Mentors from Pakistan and abroad.
  • The objective of this program is, to provide learning opportunities to Pakistani females PE Teachers, Sports Trainers and Sports Coaches to update their knowledge at high standard according to their working areas.
  • Main subjects are, Dealing Grass Root School Children, Progressive Developing School Sports, National Youth Sports, Cultural Activities, Peace Building Community, Guidance about Sports Entrepreneurship and Helping the females to get jobs in the relevant fields.
  • Also, to make them strong to work freely in their institutions for safe sports as per Child Protection Policy.
  • All interested are advice to keep visiting website for future updates coming in February 2024 for Short Course, Webinars, Conferences and Sports Activities in this regard and feel free to contact at: